-OLIVENTURA-Dear Colleague
On the behalf of Organizing Committee Members, we feel privileged to invite you for our upcoming International Conference on Green Construction 2023 which will celebrate in Cordoba (Spain) during November 27-28, 2023.
This conference offers an important opportunity for researchers, students and professional workers to discuss a wide variety of topics related to the use of environmentally friendly technology in the field of building and construction.
Contributions about the following topics are welcome; however issues are not limited to them:
- Advanced Building Materials
- Carbon Capture and Utilization
- Circular Economy and Sustainability
- Energy Efficient Buildings and Smart Technologies
- New construction methods

Conference Venue
The ICGC 2023 will be held in the Rectorate of University of Cordoba, located in Center of the city.

General Information
ICGC 2023 is an international forum for the exchange of ideas and information on green construction. This conference offers an important opportunity for researchers, students and professional workers to discuss a wide variety of topics related to the use of environmentally friendly technology in the field of building and construction, what leaves a lighter footprint on the environment through a good management, a rational utilization and conservation of energy and material resources.
Construction sector is responsible for a significant share of global consumption of energy, electricity, water and materials. According to Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) of the United Nations, the CO2 production of this industry is almost 20% of global emissions. Development of new more efficient construction methods and technologies with a reduced level of environmental impact is necessary. ICGC 2023 pretends to be a forum to study possibilities of these new technologies and the state of research about this field.
This Conference has been supported by

Convocatoria 2019 Proyectos de I+D+i
RTI Tipo B – PID2019-111029RB-100

Submodalidad 3.2.
Plan Propio de Investigación
Universidad de Córdoba
Conference Topics
The International Scientific Committee (ISC) and the Organizing Committee (OC) of ICGC 2023 would like to invite you to participate and submit contributions relevant to the followings topics; however issues are not limited to them:
- Advanced Building Materials
- Carbon Capture and Utilization
- Circular Economy and Sustainability
- Energy Efficient Buildings and Smart Technologies
- New construction methods
Advanced Building Materials
Today, the new construction materials are addressing aspects such as ultra-high strength and durability properties, alkaline activation, photocatalysis, self-cleaning, self-healing concrete, 3D printed graphene, translucent wood, liquid granite and others.
This topic includes:
- Alkali-activated materials
- Innovative and functional building materials
- New building materials to change the construction sector.
- Photocatalysis and self-cleaning materials
- Ultra-efficient insulation materials
- Ultra-High-performance concrete
Carbon Capture and Utilization
CO2 is the main responsible for the greenhouse effect and therefore for global warming. Climate change mitigation is a priority for the Environment. The development of new CO2 adsorbing materials and new building materials with a low or zero carbon footprint will be an opportunity in the next years.
This topic includes:
- New CO2 adsorbing materials.
- Uses of CO2 in the building sector.
- Strategies to reduce the carbon footprint of building materials.
- Accelerated carbonation.
- Economic effects
Circular Economy and Sustainability
0ne of the actions proposed by the European Union for implantation of Circular Economy and Sustainability underlines the use of waste as secondary raw materials (SRM). This initiative will give a second life to waste that is initially destined for landfills. Likewise, this will reduce the consumption of natural resources, save energy, reduce materials costs and waste dumping.
This topic includes:
- Construction and demolition waste
- Industrial waste as secondary raw materials and environmental risks
- Life Cycle Assessment
- Recycled aggregates (coarse, fine and filler) and uses.
- Recycling and resources recovery
- Sustainable building materials for combating climate change
Energy Efficient Buildings and Smart Technologies
One of the most important engineering problems at present is the growing consumption of energy in the world and its influence on the environment and climate change. Use of Renewable Energy and more efficient systems in construction will allow to reduce this impact.
This Topic includes:
- Renewable energy: wind power, solar energy, hydroelectricity, biomass, geothermal…
- Energy saving and storage.
- Sustainable and efficient energy systems
- Energy conversion systems
- Smart and efficient buildings and cities.
- Energy valorization of waste
New construction methods
The transformation of the construction sector involves the incorporation of new construction methods that include aspects such as industrialized construction, robotization, 3D printing and the use of artificial intelligence, among others.
This topic includes:
- 3D printing in the construction industry
- Construction 5.0 (BIM, drones, robots, digitalization, artificial intelligence and sustainability)
- Eco-efficient solutions
- Modern methods and equipment
- Modular construction and advanced prefabrication
- Supply chain management
The program will consist of invited general lectures, selected topical lectures (10 min) and poster presentations (90 x 120 cm).
The International Scientific Committee (ISC) will select speakers to give topical lectures and for poster presentations. To allow the selection, one contribution abstract (1 pages) is required before October 22nd. Abstracts will be published in a booklet and will be handed out at the beginning of the Conference.
Authors of the accepted contributions will be requested to submit an extended conference paper (4-6 pages) before November 30th. All submitted conference papers will be blind peer reviewed and published as chapter in e-book. The Organizing Committee (OC) will send this book to all registered participants. For paper publishing, it is necessary that at least one of the authors is registered and participates.
Languages conference: English and Spanish