-OLIVENTURA-Registration Guidelines
All attendants are requested to register before October 31th, 2023. Registration can be made by filling in the registration form. The completed registration form must be sent together the document accrediting the payment of registration fee.
The consideration of registration is upon the date of receipt of the registration fee.
Registration Fee
The registration fee includes participation in Conference, one copy of proceedings book, conference banquet, three coffee breaks, documentation and a touristic visit for no inhabitants of Cordoba with previous confirmation in registration form.
- Regular fee: 60 euros
To complete registration, please make payment of registration fees by:
- Researcher from UCO
Internal transference to UG: DU.32.6D.00.01 – CONFERENCE GREEN CONSTRUCTION
- Researcher from other universities or institutions:
Bank transfer to:
Bank name: Banco Santander
Account holder: Universidad de Córdoba
IBAN: ES77-0049-2420-31-2714626725
Reference of payment: Registration of Name and Surname of participant to ICGC 2023
Payment must be free of bank charges in transfer.
Document accrediting the payment of registration fee must be sent by e-mail to: